The Semi Formal Dance

The Semi Formal Dance

The snow is melting, emotions are brightening, students are feeling happier. Semi formal dance is right around the corner, and students are frantically going out shopping for dresses, outfits, and snazzy ties.

Semi Formal is an annual dance similar to homecoming with a DJ and music loud with crazy lights. The only difference between semi and homecoming is the planning committee. The goal for semi formal is to create a safe environment for students to have fun rather than going to parties and getting in trouble.

About ten to fifteen people worked on planning semi for Friday night, March 23rd 2018. Planning semi is a big deal and with only fifteen people, a large amount of work must be put into it. “To get things done properly, the actual night of setup will probably be the most stressful.” Stated Brooklyn Brackett, a student from the group planning semi, Peer Outreach. When asked what she is most proud of with semi she stated “I’m probably most proud of the masquerade theme. We have so many; I think everyone who comes will be given a mask.” She is very proud of the work her team accomplished and thinks the only thing that could’ve been improved was “It would’ve helped if we had gotten it done faster.” She believes they got a lot done in small amount of time and she is very proud of it.

“We are looking for a good turnout, and good music.” Semi is held in the GHS gym with food and snacks in the senior cafe. Prices will be $10 for singles and for couples the charge will be $15. “We are a different group running the dance this year than last year so we want to make an experience that will make people want to come back next year.”