The Truth Behind Eating Disorders
In the United States alone, 9% of women have anorexia and 5% have bulimia. There is a stereotype on eating disorders, and it is a very controversial issue. What many people don’t realize is that there are two sides, and every person has their own perspective on it. One of the biggest issues and most talked about things revolving around eating disorders is whether or not society has an influence in the way bodies look, whether it be promoting having a thin body or a fit body.
Eating disorders are often given a bad reputation, when really it’s a serious subject. You could look around in a public place, and there could be someone there who is dealing with an eating disorder whether it’s bulimia or anorexia. One of the most prevalent disorders that is not yet recognized by the American Psychological Association is Binge Eating Disorder. When people ask, how does one find treatment for an eating disorder, usually it would be finding a healthy weight and reaching it, which can possibly involve the use of psychotherapy. There are also other options like antidepressants that can be prescribed to patients. Eating disorders can also result in slow or irregular heartbeat, irregular blood pressure, hair loss, tooth erosion, type 2 diabetes, and death. It is not something that is a joke or not a real thing, as some have to say about eating disorders. They are just as equally important and found in men and women.
There are two different viewpoints on eating disorders. One side says that “Society’s promotion of a thin body causes women to develop a distorted body image which can lead to an eating disorder”, while the other side will argue “Biology and genetic makeup are greater risk factors for developing an eating disorder than society”. There is no right or wrong answer. In fact, many would say they believe both, as both can certainly be argued. Nowadays, society certainly does have a major impact on girls bodies. This especially goes to young girls between 12-25, who average 90% of people with eating disorders. Models also have a tough time and more than you would think have an eating disorder. Look at Victoria’s Secret models. There have been multiple times girls have left modeling for VS as they couldn’t handle the eating habits, some girls even came out admitting they were starving themselves for the VS Fashion Show. Models are all too often putting their bodies, health, and lives in jeopardy for their employment.
I believe that one of the biggest ones is also social media. So many people, girls in particular, compare themselves to other girls online. Scrolling through instagram, it makes it hard to not see other people and compare. Questions emerge like “why don’t I look like this” or “how do I look like her” or wanting to be someone they aren’t. Models influence young girls too, which is ironic that they are also falling under the category of eating disorders. Struggling with an eating disorder in the past, I can come to say that personally under most of the topics, I have struggled with the same issues. Eating disorders are no joke, and they should be taken more cautiously and under more consideration.

Brianna is a senior at Goffstown High School. She loves going on long drives with her best friend (especially late at night), listening to music (if you...