Fighter and Mages wanted!
Embark on a journey of a lifetime with a party of friends and powerful beings. You can take over kingdoms and become strong and magical if you really want. You can go on awesome adventures, like the amazing journey to finding out who is poisoning the townspeople or finding rare items such as enchanted swords or the magical healing stone. LARP is a game of skill and creativity combined with some physical attributes. If you don’t know what LARP means, it’s an acronym for Live Action Role-Play.Do you want to be a part of this awesome community! Join the LARP club a group of creative and funny people every Wednesday after school until 5 pm in room 104.
As a player, you can make your own character and fight with homemade weapons. The weapons are made of PVC piping and pool noodles wrapped in fabric or duck tape. With the foam weapons, the club members are very careful with what they use, and the weapons are safety checked by the president and vice president. The material that are not allowed to use are wood and metal.
The LARP club is a place where you can come and be yourself, “the club has given me an escape from my boring everyday” Tate Snow explained, a current member of the club. When coming to the club you make your own characters “Pretend to be something that you’re not” he states.
When making a character you have full range of creativity. First you come up with a cool name. Then you have to think of a race not the normal races you think of but fantasy races like Elves, Dwarfs, Wizards or you can stick to a normal human race. Next you have to pick what you want to do. If you want to be on the front lines the fighter path is for you, but if you like to be more of a support and have some magic ability you can be a fighter/mage path, but if you don’t like fighting and just support you can be a just a Mage.
If you think you are ready to become a warrior and a mage then come on down to the LARP club. “Come join us we can’t wait to see what you bring to the LARP club”.

Megan is a senior at Goffstown High School. She likes to spend her time with friends and her lovely, bearded dragon Khaleesi and her cat Socks. She is...
Riley Johansen • Jan 29, 2019 at 2:37 pm
LARP is not a sport
Tyler Dawaliby • Jan 29, 2019 at 2:31 pm
As someone in the LARP club, I feel as though more people should appreciate LARP, because you can make your character what you want it to be. Whether you want to make an angsty teenager that doesn’t care about anything or an old man who cares about everything you can do it! It’s a great experience that everyone should try.
Emilie Fitzgerald • Jan 29, 2019 at 2:30 pm
This is amazing Megan I wish I had the time to join!
Tate Snow • Jan 27, 2019 at 8:16 am
LARP is an amazing SPORT. It ties creativity and physical activity.
Autumn Goulet • Jan 26, 2019 at 10:10 pm
This shows a new insight into the world of LARP. Seems like an activity more people should try out.