Behind the Scenes of Semi

Behind the Scenes of Semi

It’s that time of year when everyone scrambles to put the final touches on their outfits and maybe even find a date. That’s right, the semi formal dance is back and in the midst of being planned.

The group who puts on this special night is Peer Outreach. Their mission statement is to provide opportunities for young people to make good choices. As a group, they get together to plan the ins and outs of the dance.

First thing the group does is pick out a date. What that means is that one or two members go down to the main office to look at the master calendar to pick the perfect date. This year the dance will be held on March 15th, 2019. The next step in the process is to come up with the themes “and that’s always a crazy time!” President Heather McGlauflin states. One year, one of the options was teeth! Yes, you read that right literal teeth; can you even imagine? At the end of the club’s debate on themes, they narrow it down to three choices for the student body to vote on. The next thing they do is vote on a DJ for the dance and come up with the prices for the tickets $10 for one and $15 for a couple. They even have to go find teachers to be chaperones.

When decorating for the dance they have to make a layout for the dance, “it’s for the fire department as much as our sake.” Heather says. When the group decorates for the dance they try to go all out with lights, streamers and balloons. Then when all is said and done the club cleans up after the dance.

If you want to support Peer Outreach and all they do for the school, join them after school in room 203 on Wednesday till 3:30.