A Club of Many Languages

On the 9th of September, the brand new International Language club held its first meeting. There was a total of 12 attendants, and there will hopefully be even more at the next meeting. Every meeting is on the 2nd Monday of each month, at 2:41, in room 105. The International Languages Club is built on appreciating the diversity of foreign languages and cultures, making it an excellent place to go if there is a lurking curiosity in you for different languages. There are 7 teachers in charge of the club: Mrs. De Marco (Italian & Spanish), Mrs. Ford (Latin & Spanish), Mrs. Williams (Spanish), Mrs. McKinnon (Spanish), Mrs. Ryzewski (Spanish), Mrs. Cote (Spanish, French, Greek), and Mrs. Andrew (French).

Last year, before the International Languages club was created, there was a Latin club. The Latin didn’t gain much traction, causing the languages teachers to try a new approach. They decided to form a new club with more variety & inclusive of more languages. After only a year of planning, the International Languages Club formed. Mrs. De Marco says she views the club as a way to connect students to other cultures and languages, saying its “a way for us to come together and branch out.” De Marco also expressed that the club “would be great for exchange students to join us, because I think it would create a segue for them,” explaining that the club could help exchange students, as well as students of different nationalities, come together and feel more connected with the GHS community.

The organization hopes to bring together people who enjoy languages and give a place for students to explore other cultures. It also hopes to provide a safe and inclusive environment for exchange students, and students of different nationalities/cultures. Not only can students learn about languages themselves, they can learn about the culture behind the language as well. The club is a great way for students to explore their curiosities. The International Languages club aims to create a fun and informative environment, as well as a place for students to branch out.