Teacher feature: Ms. Perry
Miss Kelsy Perry is a recent addition to the mathematical team here at GHS as of 2019. She interviewed with GHS this past summer and decided that she likes the classes, the block and homeroom schedule. Miss Perry says she just got a positive vibe from the administration. She loves the staff and thinks they are very inclusive. “I know I can go ask the veteran Math teachers any question,” she explained, “it’s relaxing and fun.”
In her free time, Ms. Perry has been working on ballroom dancing, which is “extremely fun but also difficult.” Cooking is also a hobby of hers, she’s a foodie and absolutely adores anything edible. Greek cuisine has to be one of her favorites. If she had to pick, her favorites would be roasted cauliflower and baklava. “Anything roasted is delicious.” She concluded. When she has the time, she digs rock climbing, reading and writing. Ms. Perry actually has 3 drafts of books she’s written!
Some of her favorite things are playing puzzle games, such as word games and Sudoku. Her favorite author would have to be Victoria Schwab, and her all time treasured books are The Phantom Tollbooth, or Harry Potter. She adores the movies Love Actually, The Princess Bride, Ever After, and Better Off Dead.
Ms. Perry has also recently gotten engaged! Her ring is a 1930s style, and she plans on getting married in October of 2020. Ms. Perry is happy to be here, she loves the classes and looks forward to meeting new students during her career.

Brianna Gagnon is a sophomore here at GHS. She's very happy to be on The Paw Print staff. She's still pretty new, and she still has a lot to learn about...
Brianna • Sep 16, 2020 at 10:22 am
Man I’m so glad I wrote this.