Club Spotlight: Walk/Run Club
Communal Running
Typically, running is a hated activity. Who in their right mind would want to inflict terrible cramps upon themselves and feel their legs turn into gelatinous nothing? There is such a club that exists at GHS that enjoys running, but it’s not all about running until you hurt. Walk/Run Club encourages its members to move at their own pace and just get outside. You don’t even have to enjoy running to enjoy Walk/Run Club; you can just show up to get outside and move with other people.
Walk/Run Club was formed during the 2019-2020 school year, to keep student athletes on their feet between seasons and to get students, who may not participate in sports, running. Walk/Run Club is a small club formed by Mrs. Mannon, who has stated that Walk/Run Club is “whatever people want it to be.” Mrs. Mannon’s goal with Walk/Run Club is to not only get students outside and moving, but to help create a connected community between its members, beat the idea that running hurts or you hate it, and to create and nurture a love for running. Another goal of Walk/Run Club is to get teachers outside too; so try and see if you can convince your favorite teacher to go out for a run.
Mrs. Mannon herself has been running since she was 11. Her best friend’s mother was an avid runner and tried to get her own daughter into running and said she could bring a friend. That friend was Mrs. Mannon. While the mother couldn’t get her own daughter to love running, Mrs. Mannon became enamored with running and competed throughout her school career.
I, personally, joined Walk/Run Club and have enjoyed the excursions outside, despite the cold of the winter. We meet every Tuesday at 3:00 in the gym lobby and then head out for a run. Running is a lot more fun with company than you would expect: I’ve had plenty of engaging conversations with other club members and Mrs. Mannon during Walk/Run Club and would encourage anyone even remotely interested to give it just one try to see if it’s for them. Hope to see you at 3:00!

Keith Sanders is a senior at Goffstown High School. He likes to spend time with his friends and will talk to anyone and everyone. He values the community...