What to Expect at Goffstown High School’s First “I am College Bound” Day
On November 4th, 2021, Goffstown High School will be participating in “I am College Bound” day, as high schools throughout the state help their seniors apply to colleges and to take the first steps into their post-graduate careers. “I am College Bound” is a national campaign that was created to help high school students from schools with low college attendance and is run by the Center for College Planning in the New Hampshire Higher Education Assistance Foundation (NHHEAF). Attendance for “I am College Bound” has gone from six participating schools to 58 participating public high schools throughout New Hampshire. Students will be able to sign up for “I am College Bound” day by talking with their guidance counselor or scanning QR codes on the “I am College Bound” posters around school.
“I am College Bound” day at GHS will run from 8:00 am until 2:00 pm and see students applying to colleges with the help of different college admissions representatives, or college counselors, who will review their applications and help students refine them. Goffstown High School’s very own guidance counselors will also be there throughout the day to support students as they apply to colleges, any college in New Hampshire being free to apply to for the day. Students will not be limited to applying to colleges only in New Hampshire and it is recommended that students bring a debit or credit card if they are going to apply out of state to cover application fees.
Students will be able to apply to two or four year colleges and for certificate programs will receive help from college admissions representatives and the help of counselors. “I’m looking for students to take a step after they graduate” says Mrs.Fall, Goffstown High School’s newest guidance counselor and coordinator for “I am College Bound” day. Mrs.Fall used to run the “I am College Bound” program as part of NHHEAF but returned to Goffstown High School to be a guidance counselor. “I want to create a fun, welcoming environment for seniors” said Mrs.Fall when asked about what “I am College Bound” day will look like. Mrs.Fall intends to have music, snacks, and a photo booth in the library during “I am College Bound” day. Mrs.Fall would like to include the following message for seniors: “yes, there is work to be done, but this is meant to be a celebration of what you’ve done over the last four years truly.”

Keith Sanders is a senior at Goffstown High School. He likes to spend time with his friends and will talk to anyone and everyone. He values the community...
Vivi Dubrulle • Sep 6, 2022 at 10:25 am
Thank you for this helpful information about being college bound, Keith. Now I know what to expect.