Spring Garden Clean Up

Spring Planting (from L to R) Jordan Fisk, Will Perkowski, Brady LaBier, Sam Chapman.

Students from Mr. Veilleux’s Earth Science class enjoyed the unusually warm spring weather on Friday, April 14th outdoors in the garden. Students participated in a variety of tasks such as pruning back overgrown bushes, gathering dead debris, and even planting tomatoes and dahlias. Mr. Veilleux’s goal in bringing students into the garden is to “teach students to live sustainably.” He notes there is no better way to learn and connect with the earth than by actively getting out and working in the garden.

A group of students including Sam Chapman, Will Perkowski, Brady LaBier, and Jordan Fisk focused on planting dahlias (see photo). Sophomore Jameson O’Brien spent his time working on trimming back an overgrown bush. Jameson declared, “It’s a nice day and I’m not too upset about [being outside].”

Sophomore Jameson O’Brien assisting in the garden.