If you are a student here at GHS, then you probably pass by one of Goffstown High School’s most popular staff members: Mr. McMurry. To those who don’t know him, Mr. McMurry is the Dean of Students here at GHS. He has currently worked in this school district for several years now. Surprisingly, the story of how he went from a regular kid in school to the dean of students is quite a tale.
Before going to work at school, Mr. McMurry was just a regular student- just like everyone else. He enjoyed sports, specifically basketball, but he didn’t like school a whole lot, and he was always good with people. As he got older, Mr. McMurry realized that “he needed a career plan,” and then he quickly realized that working with other kids who didn’t like school either might be a good career. According to Mr. McMurry, the main reason why he went into schools is “because he felt like he could help others, and also he could have a purposeful career.” According to Ms. Sperry, the administrative assistant, Mr. McMurry is real about school, and he treats students the way he wants to be treated. Going into school for work, to him, is very productive, challenging, rewarding, and always different. He even ran a school for at-risk students who were expelled from local school districts for not only involvement in gang activities, but also involvement with the juvenile justice system.
In 2011, he became an assistant principal at Hillside Middle School in Manchester, New Hampshire. Before he came to Goffstown High School he was looking to work in the school system where his son, was going, and he also wanted to be closer to home. After leaving his old job, his new job felt like home. Nowadays, his life here at GHS has been completely positive. He still does the same job that he’s done before, but with older students. Mr. McMurry also enjoyed to still have the influence to help improve educational experiences for students, especially to those who struggle in school. “And that is the true story of how one person went from just a regular, same-old student to an adult that loved working with kids to make them hate school less” said Mr. McMurry.