New Parking Lot
Over the summer, crews began work on a new drainage system at Goffstown High School. The drainage project necessitated the creation of a new student parking lot and an additional entrance was established. The goal of the second entrance is to alleviate traffic congestion during the morning and afternoon commute. Two entrances/exits, a student walkway, and a widened entrance/exit onto Wallace Road were added.
The parking lot serves as student parking for Juniors/Seniors. In order to obtain a parking pass, students must pay $100, pass all classes from the previous quarter, class dues must be settled, and students must not have any disciplinary issues.
The new parking lot has caused mixed opinions among the students who use the lot. “Its ridiculous to pay $100 for a parking pass especially when they sell too many of them” says Ben Cogswell, a senior. “It’s a mess but I like the new changes. They just need to keep better track of the parking passes” he says. Maddy Harrington, also a senior says “I’m not a big fan of it because I have to wait a long time to leave because there are so many cars and only one exit. I don’t think its very efficient”.
Allyson is a senior at Goffstown High School. In her free time, she likes to hangout with friends, travel and sleep. Allyson hopes everyone enjoys her...
kyle • Oct 5, 2017 at 10:19 am
GHS always finds a way to take your hard earned money right out of your pocket! MST parking passes are 5 dollars, pinkerton is 10 dollars (pretty sure at least), and londonderry parking is free! it also astounds me that they sell too many parking passes. if i’m paying 100 dollars to park at my own school, i want to actually be able to.