Homecoming 2k17

Whose House? For the first time in 13 years, the juniors of Goffstown High School take home the win for Homecoming 2017.

Making rounds to collect coins for the “Penny Challenge”

It was a successful week, starting with School Spirit Day. The majority of the school sported their GHS Merch on Monday, October 16th. Then Tuesday was twin day where people got the chance to twin with a friend, or some even triplets! The next day was Disney day, where many wore their Disney onesies or dressed as a Disney Character. Thursday people contacted their inner hipster for Hippie day! The week ended with the final spirit day of class colors day; freshmen in black, sophomores in pink, juniors in maroon, and seniors in white.

The freshmen representing school spirit on Friday!

At the assembly on Friday, October 20th, there was an abundance of energy. Walking into the gym all you could hear were screams, air horns, and chants. On the floor you saw the huge class of 2021, the right side of the bleachers you saw the pink class of 2020, the left was the maroon 2019 juniors, and the middle was the class of 2018 in white. Each class had a chant, but the most memorable being the seniors yelling “Who’s house? Our house!”. The assembly was filled with screams of encouragement for the events like soccer, dodgeball, hungry hungry humans, and the class dances, chants, & banners. The assembly ended with a surprise flash mob that started with a dance off between Officer Pelletier and Todd LaValley against Charlie Keith and Josh Wight. Mrs. Phillabout was the genius behind the flash mob at the end, with a surprise performance of GHS Dance Company Alumni.

Juniors- Brooklyn Brackett, Jessica McGregor, Heather McGlauflin, & Tori Kelley- supporting their grade at the assembly!

The following Saturday was the Homecoming football game. Goffstown won against the Spartans with a score of 35 to 6. The crowd was full of spirit and excitement while the cheerleaders led to support. That night, the majority of the school got together once again in the GHS gym for a night to strut their stuff in semi-formal attire, for the Homecoming dance. The DJ got everyone super hyped with his music and remixes. Although the night didn’t end with the traditional “Stairway to Heaven”, the DJ chose to end it with the popular hit “I’ve had the Time of My Life” from the musical Dirty Dancing.