Freshmen Offer a Fresh Perspective of Homecoming

Freshmen sitting at the assembly
Last week’s homecoming celebrations prompted a variety of different reactions from this year’s Freshman class of 2022. For some, like freshman Joey Stearns, the festivities were extremely exciting. Others, however, didn’t feel that way. Freshman Monica Kissel, for instance, perceived the events as confusing and uncomfortable. Both students attended the annual assembly, but their reactions to the events and environment were polar opposites. Joey got very hyped up during the assembly. “We had a lot of adrenaline”, he recollects. Monica, on the other hand, not so fondly remembers the celebration. “I was sat on by five people at once,” she explains.
When asked what the worst aspect of homecoming in general was, Joey spent a while thinking, and finally admits that losing was not something he was not too fond of. When asked the same question, Monica quickly replied, “the whole thing.” Both of these individuals participated in the dress up days; Joey found them enjoyable. Monica, on the other hand, found them somewhat excessive.
With no prior knowledge of what the homecoming events would be like, the two students resorted to current or previous students for advice. Monica asked her older brother, a Goffstown High School graduate about it, and learned that “it is useless”. Joey consulted sophomore Alyssa Downey. “I heard that it is really crazy and fun”, he recalls.
When comparing last week’s events with those they’ve encountered at Mountain View Middle School, Monica explained that Goffstown High School’s homecoming assembly is extremely unorganized, opposed to those at her previous school. Although Joey agrees that there’s no comparison, he states that homecoming at GHS is much better than events a MVMS. “At Mountain View we just have a dance”.
The freshmen seating arrangement for both homecoming and winter carnival is infamous for its crowdedness, chaotic manner, and the fact that nobody can see. Monica despised the seating arrangement, which Joey, on the other hand, didn’t mind. “I didn’t mind cause we stood most of the time”. While the freshmen cheered loudly for their class, they also cheered for other classes. Both Joey and Monica cheered for the seniors at such occasions. “We rooted for whoever rooted for us beforehand. Usually sophomores and seniors”, he adds that he mostly cheered for the seniors, “cause we want to destroy [the sophomores]”.
As for aspects of the event they participated in, Joey and Monica would be nearly tied. Joey didn’t buy the Freshmen class shirt. “I’m not buying a fifteen dollar shirt!”, he explains. Monica did buy the t-shirt, but not in the spirit of homecoming. “I just wanted to have a shirt with GHS on it”, she admits. Neither of them took part in the penny slam, and admitted to not having been provided enough information on it. Joey didn’t even know where it was. Although both of them participated in dress up days, Monica wasn’t as enthusiastic about it as Joey. Monica isn’t too thrilled for next year’s homecoming, but Joey can’t wait.

Maddy is a senior at GHS. This is her fourth year as a writer for the Paw Print. She desires to pursue a career as an author. She thoroughly enjoys travel,...