Homecoming Behind the Scenes
The 2018 Homecoming dance and assembly was put together by the help of the chair, Justin Scott Kaminski And committee member, Serena Martinez, and many more including Cam Moquin and Griffin ‘the’ Hansen, along with all of student council. With a big event, always comes a lot of hardships, secrets and many creative minds behind the whole thing. The homecoming assembly generated so much excitement towards all the classes, Serena Martinez explained how the Homecoming Committee met every Tuesday in order to make it perfect, Justin Kaminski also adds that the students and staff who cooperate have made it run smoothly. Martinez mentioned that it took about 24 out of school hours to make everything perfect, including choreography, dance practice, music, and gym cleanup.
Being the people who are responsible for the dance has carried a lot of pressure and can cause a lot of stress and hustle. Most students do not realize that dress up days were picked by other students and not the committee, which causes hostility and comments about the days. The dance was a fun experience but also was hard coming together and having everyone get along and make it come to life. Justin Kaminski explains how “You have to constantly be in the state of thinking about it and ways to make it better”, which he sure did make it a lot better for the students. Kaminski is one of the reasons how the gym became clean after the assembly and the dance, Seniors and Juniors were the only classes that received extra points for cleaning up but he still stayed to make it perfect for the dance the next night. The post-dance cleanup was a lot of work and Kaminski voices how “we like to help the custodial staff out as much as we can, they are an amazing group of individuals who do so much for this school”, other students who deserved recognition was Aaron Silvestre, Griffin Hansen, and some advisors including Mrs.Audley.
During the whole Homecoming event there are the favorites and problems that occur as if it were any event. The best part of the assembly in Kaminski’s eyes was when “The classes all became so excited at the assembly when Pheonix Irish came out and was honored for her achievements in special olympics, this gave her confidence to speak in front of 1200 people which was an amazing experience”. The one bad thing that occured was when the two cordless microphones stopped working right at the grand entrance, and were switched with the other less advanced microphones which was “Very messy”. Lasly a secret of homecoming, during the penny slam $2,600 was raised and had to be counted, Serena Martinez and Señora McKinnon hand counted all of the money and we were so behind that we needed two coinstar machines, and one filled up completely! Justin Kaminski has decided to stay silent on how much money he spent on the penny slam because he explained “My mother would be mad if she found out”.
Martinez and Kaminski would like to thank Mr.Mcbride for allowing homecoming week to be possible and have loved being apart of the senior class. Thank you everyone!

Amalia Plentzas is a senior at Goffstown High School who is graduating early to pursue cosmetology school. She loves to write music, play piano, cook and...