London Trip Adventures
On October 25th, my family and I boarded Virgin Atlantic Airlines in Boston as we anxiously and excitedly waited over six hours flying over the Atlantic Ocean to reach our final destination London, England! Even though we flew through the night and barely managed to get any sleep, by the time we got there a rush of excitement and joy began to come from within all of us! We definitely experienced some serious culture shock, and some serious jet lag later in that day! However, we were all psyched to be there, and we instantly went off into what felt like a new world and began to see new amazing things. I saw cars driving on the other side of the road, people of all races, and lots of British accents!
We stayed in London for four days, and it was me and my sister Kira Moran’s first time going overseas. My sister, my father and I explored London in a few different ways. On Friday, we arrived and walked the pier with all of the different boat tours, stores, restaurants and most importantly the London Eye! However, we just used the first day to plan out what we would do for the rest of the trip and we got to see a small portion of London by just walking around, including the London bridge and Castle bridge. I took a huge nap when we got back to the hotel around 4pm! I ended up napping until 8PM and stayed in for the evening. All that jet lag really kicked in.
The next morning, my family and I went on the London Eye! My sister, Goffstown High School sophomore Kira Moran had this to say after going on the eye “I’ve never seen a city this spread out before”.
After we saw all of London from 443 feet in the air, we decided to see it from sea level! Seeing all of the beautiful buildings and centuries old architecture from up close is a great sight to see. Even just walking the pier after the boat ride with all of the other tourists and London natives was a great experience. Most of the London natives I came into contact with really gave me a welcoming impression of the city. While I was out for breakfast, I felt a little out of it, but our waiter had a very strong positive mental attitude, just by the way he was talking to us with a high level of enthusiasm really changed my day around. After the boat tour mentioned previously, we took a train over to Buckingham Palace, where the Queen of England resides
Those guards standing outside of the castle looked awfully serious, but it was such a great and memorable sight to see. Shortly after, we hopped on the tube (London’s subway system) and went to Piccadilly Circus. Piccadilly Circus is similar to New York’s Times Square. Seeing all of the huge electronic billboards gave the city a more modern feeling!
In Piccadilly Circus, my family and I went to an Italian restaurant called Piccolino, saw the billboards, did some shopping and saw lots of cool buildings such as some of the designer stores such as Gucci and Louis Vuitton, some of the buildings in the theater district, and some of the harry potter buildings. My dad, William Moran said this to me about Piccadilly Circus “It’s very similar to New York city, just without all the trash everywhere!”

Tyler is a senior at Goffstown High School. His interests consist of but are not limited to: late night YouTube binging, watching the New York Knicks,...
Nate • Jan 15, 2020 at 3:35 pm
Very well thought out and methodical article. Makes you want to go to London and experience it for yourself.
chris • Jan 15, 2020 at 3:31 pm
this is dope glad to see you had fun in london