Goffstown Wrestling Wrap Up
An Overview of Winter 2021 – 2022 Season
The 2021- 22 Goffstown Wrestling season has come to a close with hard work and spirit. Despite the looming threat of COVID, the team made the contact sport work, making the 2021 – 2022 season one to never forget.
In the winter, the team met every day after school. Practices depended on the weather and other possible cancellations, but for the most part, even if there’s no school, there’s practice. As the winter months have the NH sky dark early, wrestlers emerge from practice after the sun is down. The practice load is heavy but builds valuable skills and a strong bond with fellow teammates. Wrestlers don’t have “games” as other sports do; wrestlers have meets instead since each wrestling match is based on the individual’s performance. The overall winner is based on the strength of the individuals.
The meets are posted online on the GTV Education Channel 16 on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCngdyxLmx5E0klyHHD35yNw
Students, faculty, family, and the community are encouraged to come support the team and to show off their Goffstown pride. One of the referees, known by the community as Referee Jeff, shared his thoughts; “it’s a good time all around, watching every wrestler, every coach, and the crowd.” The two coaches, one being a GHS science teacher extraordinaire, Joshua Devriendt and the other coach, Alex Paraskevas, known as coach Alex, gave their input; “It’s always nice seeing them have fun and be a part of a team. Practices are held in the cafeteria and home meets are held between the gymnasium and small cafeteria.” One wrestler from this season (Boudreau) said, “wrestling here has you determined.” Another wrestler from this season (anonymous) commented, “Many learned how to become a part of a team and we’re always surrounded by positive encouragement, go Goffstown!” Christian Dumensil, a sophomore wrestling this season says, “it was a good season and when seeing fellow teammates in the school halls, nothing but smiles, waves, and positive conversation.” All around, the wrestlers on this team give the sport and the experiences that come with it a big thumbs up.
Winter 2021 – 2022 Goffstown Wrestling Meet Schedule – https://goffstownathletics.com/main/teamschedule/id/114407/seasonId/4646220

Kelly is a senior here at Goffstown High School and this is her second year writing for the GHS Paw Print. She loves to show school spirit. Also, she dabbles...
Alyvia • Sep 20, 2023 at 9:06 am
Really interesting article on a sport that does not get a lot of attention.
Megan Heard • May 11, 2022 at 10:55 am
Once I come to Goffstown High School, I want to join the wrestling team more now. Thank you! This information helps a lot!
Kelly Arnold • Sep 6, 2022 at 10:54 am
It was a pleasure to write this. I’m glad I could help!