Not 1, Not 2, Not 3, Not 4, There are 5 Honors Societies!
The 2022-2023 Goffstown High School school year has 5 honor societies!
Honor Societies are a way to get involved and help your community and school while helping yourself because it’s selective and displays excellence. If you can, you can do them all! Not only that, it’s an exciting experience, and are able to run for a government position to help run the honor society helping continue the positive legacy.
National Honors Society
Also known as NHS and the longest running, the National Honors Society recognizes overall academic excellence in every subject and how great you are outside of school. This means “you’re all that and a bag of chips.” If you meet the requirements, you get sent a letter or an e-mail that NHS has recognized your excellence. To take your interest further, click the link below or reach out to Mr. Chadbourne.
For more information:
Rho Kappa National Social Studies Honors Society
Known at GHS as Rho Kappa, it’s an honor society that recognizes your greatness in social studies subjects and in outside of school. If you meet the requirements, find one of the fliers posted in the hallways about Rho Kappa. Otherwise, for more information about this honor society about specifics, and enrollment, reach out to Mr.Pyszka and he’ll be excited to share how engaging and great of an opportunity it is!
Science National Honors Society
Newly introduced last year (2022) and abbreviated as SNHS, is an honor society recognizing your greatness in your science subjects. This year, it will be up and running to join! If you are interested in any science and want to be engaged in a society with others that are like-minded, you can reach out to the teacher coordinator, Mr. Mailhot, the founder Cassidie Plourde, or myself.
National Art Honors Society
Known to GHS as the NAHS for short, this honor society focuses on the interest in artistry. NAHS looks for students engaged and wanting to know more about art. You attend a meeting and you see if it’s a good fit for your interests. If you are interested and this sounds right up your alley, for more information go to their Instagram page or contact Ms. Kelley.
NAHS Instagram Page:
Tri – M
Not having “honor society” in the name doesn’t mean it isn’t one. It’s formally called the “Tri-M Music Honor Society.” Tri-M is the honor society involved in music and music ensembles. To join Tri-M, you need to be in at least 2 music ensembles. Do you see where the “tri” and “M” come from now? “Tri” for being in 2 music ensembles and the 3rd is your “Tri” in Tri- M, and “M” for music. Special perks are given to those in this honor society. Such as, you get recognized in your ensembles and get picked to help your ensembles in many ways.
If you are interested in joining Tri-M, reach out to Mr. Belding and/or Mr. Desrochers for more information.
*Keep your eyes open as all 5 societies have exciting things in store for the school and the community!
Make sure if interested to check out NHS, Rho Kappa, and SNHS, along with the Pawprint, at the GHS Club and Activity Fair on the first day of school (Tuesday, August 30th) from 11:40 am – 12:40 pm in the library.

Kelly is a senior here at Goffstown High School and this is her second year writing for the GHS Paw Print. She loves to show school spirit. Also, she dabbles...