Ever wonder why day after day you wake up feeling exhausted, like a never-ending cycle? Or, procrastinating while the day wastes away? It could be because of what you do before you go to sleep. Setting a routine not only motivates you but can also help during stressful times. Researchers explain “when we don’t feel motivated to do things, it is very easy to procrastinate doing them and they will continue to get pushed for the next day and the next day.” (Rachel Goldman, PHD) A routine can be simple or complex. A routine can consist of making your bed, brushing your teeth, and eating a snack before you leave the house. However, a routine can also consist of washing your face, taking a morning run, and watering the garden. Everyone’s routine is different and establishing what works best for you is the most important part. Your routine should include things that benefit you. Whether it be simple everyday tasks or tedious projects, a routine will set you up for success. Additionally, “When people don’t have a routine or structure to their day it can cause increased stress and anxiety, as well as overwhelming feelings, lack of concentration, and focus.” (Rachel Goldman, PHD) Now, with this basic understanding of others’ routines, why not develop your own?