Students filled the Hieber Theater at Goffstown High School on January 16 preparing for the induction ceremony for National Honors Society, NHS. Over 45 juniors were inducted that night including an honorary induction of Senora McKinnon. The induction ceremony consists of a short introduction about NHS, current members then induct the juniors while reading a brief speech about them. Once this is finished the ceremony is completed by having the juniors recite a pledge while holding a candle.
This society is made up of juniors and seniors who maintain a high GPA, as well as go above and beyond as a student. Keira Schaefer, a junior and new member of NHS, talks a bit about the process of becoming a member. Every student who applies has to complete tutoring hours, and for Schaefer, it was “pretty easy, [she enjoys] tutoring and helping students learn.” Instead of one-on-one tutoring, she was a teacher’s assistant in a math class which counted towards her hours.
A lot went into preparing for the ceremony as well. Miriam Doumit, a senior at GHS and NHS officer, mentions that a month before the actual ceremony “the executive board was planning out who [their] speakers were” and other details such as a photographer. The day before the induction ceremony a rehearsal was held right after school to walk the juniors through what would happen.
At the beginning of the induction, the president of NHS, Meredith Winterburn, talks of the achievements and events members completed in the past year. This includes members going over to Bartlett to help the elementary students, picking up trash in May, and holding an alumni panel for students to ask questions about college. Schaefer mentions how she didn’t realize how involved the NHS was in the community until that night.
The ceremony lasted for just under an hour and a half due to how many students were being inducted. Doumit wishes Mrs. O’Shea, the advisor for NHS, would have spoken and hopes she does next year since Mrs.O’Shea put so much work into it. To end the night, there were refreshments being served including cake to celebrate the new inductees