Every January, Goffstown High School holds their midterms to wrap up the first semester of classes. The schedule for the week changes and students may leave at 11:30 as long as they do not need to make up an exam. The students at GHS put their best feet forward and work their hardest to finish their semester classes with the best grade they can. Midterms are important to assess the students halfway through the year to know what the teacher needs to cover more or less.
Students are eager to study the materials they have learned and prove to their teachers that they understand everything. A student here at GHS, Elizabeth Charest, tells me how she is preparing for midterms and how she will be successful. “They [midterms] can be really scary because they determine my final grade for the semester, that can be life or death”. Elizabeth expresses how important this final test grade is for her.
Students are not the only ones who have to prepare for midterms, teachers are preparing for their students to test the knowledge they have been teaching all year. Between the stress of making the tests and also grading them quick enough, it can be a lot of work for teachers. Students and teachers can work together to make midterms less stressful by preparing and making sure your work is all handed in on time.