If you were to ask someone what they remembered from high school, they’d probably respond with events like prom, Friday night football games, performing arts musicals, or the exciting assemblies. But, do you ever wonder who is behind the events everyone enjoys so much? Prom and the various assemblies that take place throughout the year at GHS are made possible by Student Council. Student Council also breaks down into the individual class councils. Each class council has their own advisor and officers. While the officers brainstorm events, and connect with their student body, the class advisors are what make things run smoothly. Class advisors are the heart of each class council. They are the supervisors and mentors to those in the council.
Mr. O’Brien, formally the 2024 Class Advisor, but now the 2028 Class Advisor says that he enjoys “being a part of the student’s favorite moments in high school” and that events such as prom are a time when students “are excited and happy, and it’s a time where they are really making memories.” Mr. O’Brien is an advisor along with Ms. O’Shea, who previously supported the Class of 2024 by guiding them throughout their high school years.
Ms. Gordon, a 2027 Class Advisor says an advisor’s responsibilities are to “meet regularly, keeping everyone updated on class events, along with strengthening the community in and outside of school.” Ms. Gordon and Mrs. Casavant have been advisors for the class of 2027 for two years, and Ms. Gordon describes that the difficulties of being a class advisor are worth it. She says “the hardest part is balancing work life and personal life” and that in order to manage her time she “divides it up thoughtfully, leaving time for grading, council activities, and personal life.”
Both Mr. O’Brien and Ms. Gordon agree- being a class advisor is a rewarding experience. Their advice to any teachers interested in being a class advisor is to take advantage of the opportunity because you can see students in a new light, while also building connections with them outside of academics.